Seven Common Mistakes that May Keep You from a Big Catch
June 11, 2022

Many things can come between you and your big catch. Some minor actions may be the cause, or they may be mistakes that both newbies and veterans make.

And many factors are beyond your control, making it essential to get familiar with the common mistakes that can determine your success or failure at securing a catch:

1. Going unprepared

Adequate preparation is vital for success, even when you’re on the water—minor mistakes like bringing inadequate worms to major ones like not charging your trolling motor batteries.

You’ll be easily frustrated if you have to look for fishing supplies while on the water. So, it’s best to go prepared – make a list, and don’t leave for your fishing trip without crossing everything off.

2. Not having a game plan

It’s sometimes tricky to find a target because most of the fish in the water occupy only 10 percent of their habitat. As such, you need a game plan to avoid coming back empty-handed. This entails learning about the water, the type of fish you want, and how they behave.

Outline what your day will be like, to avoid casting aimlessly.

3. Disorganization

Organization is essential – the fish won’t wait for you. So, you must have everything you need to take immediate action if the need arises. Ensure everything is within reach because the last thing you want is to be checking the bottom of your bag for something that’s needed right away.

Efficiency is an important attribute when fishing, and you can attain it by making a mental list of everything with you, when you will need it, and where they are. It’ll also increase the number of successful attempts you make on the water.

4. Avoiding cover

This is another common mistake, and anglers make it because of the feat of losing lure or snagging up. However, it’s an unfavorable decision because fish conventionally take shelter around the area you’re avoiding.

You can use many techniques and tricks to bypass losing your bait or snagging up; you need to explore them.

5. Not thinking seasonally

There’s a difference between fishing off memories and going to the right spot. And although you’ll naturally desire to go back to where you made a big catch during your last fishing trip, that area may be barren, and you’ll have less luck catching something.

Focus on what the fish are doing currently instead of their position during the last time.

6. Fishing too fast

Every bass must see your presentation in the area if you have any hope of catching something. Instead of rushing the process, it’s better to take your time and do it thoroughly. There may be fish in the area you’re located, but if you lack the patience to make a delicate presentation, you may leave empty-handed.

7. Paying inadequate attention

Observing your fishing area increases your chances of leaving with a great catch. Nature always leaves many telling signs that there are fish in the area – you have to pay attention.